
I am going through a phase of low self confidence..... How does it matter that you had the best results in past ? No.. It doesn't help... all that it matters is how you perform now. I have lost the burning desire to win, to conquer. I think I have become complacent with the little success I had so far in my life. Its time for a reality check, for me to stop fooling around with myself and come out of this dream world .I still have lots of things to achieve and I don't want to end up leading a normal life .There is no point being nobody.Days are passing by , I need to come out of this hibernation and I need to motivate myself to work hard, that will again spark the deep burning desire in me. I know its kinda late to realize this , but its better late than never. Watch out for that huge explosion of enthusiasm and energy!!!!
I still have lots of things to achieve and I don't want to end up leading a normal life
I believe human mind/society is so complicated which we can't define in lines rather books.
I am still finding answers for several thousand question..
as these quote trigger some more questions in my mind..will proceed.
Fine..what do u mean by achievement.?
getting into IIT/IIM ..? ..what's the normal life..if at all u thought getting into IISc is an achievement don't they lead normal life..then what else life will be lead..
thats an unfortunate..society won't consider a sincere duty of an auto driver as an achievement..
can't he has burning desire to become loyal to his duty
(If u think i am also the part of society ..i don't have any objection)
Personally I have the feeling that any one who attempts to perform *his* duty would be considered as achiever.
but i agree that now a days society is moving behind Money..and Money only..
once again,most sadest thing is we are also in the race.
would like to clarify one thing here regarding what i meant by normal life...
I was not referring to any degree in particular here. We like it or not ,all people are not blessed with same opportunities in life. A person has to take job of auto driver because he might not had an opportunity to complete his education. In whatever little scope is there if he has maximised that opportunity compared to people with his similar background, then he differs and he is not a loser.
What i am trying to convey here is we should differ from people who have similar background and opportunities like us .We should not blindly follow the route taken by majority of them.
[quote] Better late than never [/quote]
Good u finally got to know that. So better late than never. Get that burning desire of urs back.
Well, regarding the previous comment, i think what srik meant here here is that he is losing the competitive spirit in him and nothing else. I believe every one has a competitive spirit in him. It is what eggs on a person to do stuffs. If it is not there, i think life becomes too methodical and monotonous. Actually u can write a C Program for that then. And i think thats what Sriki meant by normal life here.
Obviously, nobody wants a monotonous "normal" life. I don't atleast.
Yes I am behind Money, but not Money alone. U do need money and i don't believe anyone who tells that they are not in the race for money. But the difference is being after money and being "only" after money. The frist one can be beneficial, but the second one is for sure only detrimental.
Thanks Arun,Great to see that post.
Few Clarification.
I never questioned about Srikant's
posting.as part of my understanding I had few questions.
I had/have a doudt about the "achievement"..don't know about srikant.but i am damn sure about society.society *never* consider a normal person who does his duty extraordinarily as an achievement.believe me NEVER.Accoring to me ,few sections of society by their virtue will get more money/fame unfortunately it's *thought/considered* as an achievement. can give lot of examples here.hope it doesn't require.
what i was looking is ,how does he think..does he think in same line with society ..(I agree there are exceptions).otherwise ,why can't he achieve in his position.(forgive me.Defnitely i am NOT Saying he is not achieveing..but just for sake).why does he run behind some other.
Normal life definition.Agree with you.if u go through my earlier and this comments carefuly u could observer that i never meant normal life is life without challenges etc.
but i never agree that normal life is Nisarga life.and not being NORMAL doesn't end in TAJ.
Money..The Most dangerous in any one's life.Agreed that We can't run ONLY after Money.
But unfortunately people do.and they pretend they do not.
Anyway,Even i also feel many times that we have many things apart from money but unfortunately most of those only come with Money.
I think it is a periodic thing. Like everything else in life, our energies also seem to come in cycles. I believe that every phase of hibernation (really like the way you used this word) is a good way to build up energy for the next phase of...well, energy! So let us know how the explosion went!
And also...
@Arun: Well said!
@Prasanna: I think you should just say "to hell with society" at least as far as your own personal goals and aspirations are concerned. I can't help but disagree with what you say about money. Yes, it is dangerous, the moment you call it Money. But as long as you treat it as money, it is fine - and it can be a great source of strength and confidence, not to mention source of material comfort.
Hello Anonymous
Seems whole discussion is getting diverted.
what all my doudt was/is whether does he consider / do u/we consider a trivial,mundane work done in an extraordinary way as an achievement.
few questions.
do we ever say thanks to hotel cleaner who does table cleaning in a very neat manner..?
do we ever say thanks to a paper boy who everyday *gives* paper in extra care (rather throwing)
do we ever say thanks to BMTC conductor who gives change very honestly ..(not applicable to those who never commute in BMTC buses)
or do we ever think above ones are achievement or not ..?
Ok..I am done...
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